WEBCON BPS is an integrated low-code BPM platform that helps effectively manage the workflow of tasks, information and documents to greatly accelerate and optimize business processes.

Low-code Workflow Automation


Accountability and documentation are crucial in many industries today. The ability to track which steps have been completed and by whom provides transparency to customers and auditors. WEBCON BPS offers integrated documentation capabilities that allow you to easily document each step of the process for your convenience.

InstantChange Technology

WEBCON provides the unique InstantChange™ technology, enabling quick (and low-cost) changes to your solutions – from small modifications, such as CR (Change Request), to large changes due to the evolution of business needs or reorganization of individual processes. The changes can be made ‘live’ without re-launching or re-installing the solution and, most importantly, at any point in the application lifecycle (even after its launch in the production environment).

Peaked your interest?

Get in touch and plan a demo now. We would love to show you all WEBCON BPS has to offer.

WEBCON's Benefits

Advantages to your management

WEBCON BPS offers a comprehensive overview of processes across different departments, branches, and offices. The clear reports and analytical graphs allow you to monitor progress and quickly identify any issues that arise.

Automation and standardization support the implementation of best practices across different methodologies such as ISO, ITIL, Lean, and Six Sigma. By automating tasks, significant savings in time, human resources, and finances can be achieved.

Advantages to your employees

The authentically paperless office means easy access to all the necessary documents, data and e-mails anywhere and anytime.

Digital forms ensure accuracy of the input data. Smart workflow automation gives users the confidence that procedures and best practices are followed. Allowing them to put use their time more efficiently.

All applications within the platform are standardized. One dashboard for all your process needs. Similar interfaces allow for easy adoption of new applications.

Repetitive and tedious tasks can be automated, freeing up the valuable time of your staff.